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Embracing the Outback – Australia’s Transformation from 1850 to 1900

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This course explores how European settlers adapted to Australia's harsh landscapes and the resulting transformation of the continent. Key Themes: 1. Emotional Acclimatization: Examine how settlers adjusted to Australia’s unique environment, gradually making it feel like home despite its unfamiliar plains, rocky slopes, and intense heat. 2. Role of Art and Literature: Analyse how artists and writers like Adam Lindsay Gordon and Henry Kendall shaped Australians' emotional connection to their new land, influencing national identity and perceptions of the Australian environment. 3. Challenges of Immigration: Investigate how immigrants’ prior experiences and cultural preferences impacted their adaptation to Australia, affecting their integration into the new landscape. 4. Invasive Species and Environmental Impact: Explore the unintended introduction of foreign species, such as rabbits, and their significant effects on Australia’s ecosystems and agriculture. This course provides insight into the cultural and environmental adjustments that defined Australia's development during this transformative period. IN DEVELOPMENT: COURSE OVERVIEW ONLY

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